Name experiment and identify pages > Install and validate JavaScript tags > Preview and start experiment
New A/B Experiment
Step 2: Install and validate JavaScript tags
Change your mind about the installation? You can go back and send instructions to your web team.
Once you've pasted the JavaScript tags onto each of your experiment pages and uploaded them to your webserver, click "Validate pages" at the bottom of this page so we can make sure everything is good to go.
1.Original page: add control and tracking scripts
Original: View a sample source code
Control Script: Paste the following at the beginning of your original page's source code.
Tracking Script: Paste the following at the end of your original page's source code.
2.Variation pages: add tracking script to each page
Varyasyon 1: Tracking Script: Paste the following at the very end of all (1) of your variation pages' source code.
3.Conversion page: add tracking script
Conversion page: Conversion Script: Paste the following at the very end of your conversion page's source code.
4.Publish and validate your pages
After you add your tags, publish your updated test, variation, and conversion pages on the web.
Google will check your pages to make sure that the scripts are correctly placed.
Pages not accessible? Click "Validate pages" anyway. If we can't access something, we'll ask you to manually upload your pages for validation.
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